Sunday, April 9, 2017

I wonder if anyone had considered this

With all the talk of Trump, the GOP, Congress and the whole Russian thing, people are forgetting one possibility. I know this is far a field but I have not even heard someone even consider this, but let me lay it out for you.

1. - There are strong signs that there is some truth to the whole Trump-Russia thing.

2. - The GOP has shown an ability to ignore some pretty damn questionable stuff from Trump just so they have control. Some people say the GOP is so OK with Trump that even if the FBI and the CIA find proof of treason, the GOP might refuse to consider impeachment.

3. - The GOP has already used the nuclear option on the filibuster for the Supreme Court. Who can say how far McConnell and the GOP will go to protect Trump?

4. - Historically the members of the Supreme Court who are Republicans have shown a willingness to fore go normally court procedures and history to get what they want. Go look @ Bush V Gore. In the decision the court states that that decision can not be used as a basis of precedence. Far as I know that is not something that happens too often.

5. - Not all the American military are happy with Trump, we have heard rumblings already.

6. - Say the FBI and the CIA present really strong and compelling evidence in their investigation. The Democrats try to start the process to draw up the Articles of Impeachment. Per procedure the process starts in the House of Representatives, home of some of the most bug-fuck members of the GOP and I can easily see the House GOP refusing to consider it.

7. - Say the Democrats sue due to GOP tactics to keep the issue from coming to a vote. Case goes to the Supreme Court, with Trump's new boy. Care to wager on which way the vote goes?

8. - Once the connection is revealed and the GOP in the House and in the Supreme Court refuse to do anything to remove Trump and Pence. Say they keep up with their shit, how long will the military put up with it? Remember, this is the president that launched a long planned raid they were waiting for the perfect time to do it. But all it took was telling Trump that Obama did not want to do it right way and bang, one dead SEAL and a bunch of dead civilians and nothing of value recovered.

All full of crap right?

Commander Who Caught Bin Laden: Drumpf Is “Greatest Threat to Democracy in My Lifetime”

Who Was in the Room? These Advisers Joined Drumpf for the Syria Strike

CNN analyzes the photograph of Trump's Mar-a-Lago war room.

Compare and contrast the 2 photos, Trump has 1 military official in the room, and he is at the door. Trump has a pointed many people with zero experience in their roles trying order around people who do know what they are doing. Oh then add in that at this time over 80% of the roles in the executive branch lack staffing.

I really hope I am totally wrong.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Killing the trickle down lie

Since the late 70's until today we have been told, all we need do is cut taxes on the rich and then via magic, everyone makes more money. Not sure how or why anyone ever thought that was reasonable. But finally we are seeing in depth studies looking into the question: Does cutting taxes for the rich spur general economic growth.

Tax Cuts Don't Lead to Economic Growth, a New 65-Year Study Finds

It just takes a little common sense, if you give $10 million to a billionaire, they will just tuck it away. If you instead broke that up and gave $1000 to 10,000 people on public assistance, you can be sure as shit that money is getting spent ASAP. Hell, look at what happens every time they increase the minimum wage, you would think, wow owners losing money right?

So far, the Seattle minimum-wage increase is doing what it’s supposed to do

I mean, if raising the minimum wage cost jobs, why is Washington and California doing so well? Add to that, if the GOP policies worked, why are Kansas and Wisconsin in the shitter? Hell both KA and WI were able to check off their right wing dream list, and yet

Newly Revamped Coincident Indices Indicate … Wisconsin Still Lags

Fact check: Brownback on the Kansas economy

Kansas is still bleeding, thanks to tea party economics

The whole concept is flawed, fuck even George Bush when he ran against Reagan in 1980 called trickle down "voodoo economics", but people bought the lie. Remember -

Something to consider

Dying canaries

I know it seems a bit self-indulgent to reference your own work, but darn it, I already laid out part of my argument before, what we are starting to see is the American public waking to the fact that now the cover of easy credit is gone people are starting to see how fucked they are. The question is, will the people in charge and their owners realize what is coming and respond soon enough.

FYI - If you disagree, that's fine, provide me with proof, prove it to me.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Can some good come from a boiling pot of stupid?

It seems like all the random bits of ignorance and hubris have come together for the GOP to perhaps create their own destruction? All of this from the Syrian chemical attack, said to be sarin gas. Now through the week the GOP echo chamber was saying this might not have been Assad, that it was a false flag, it was ISIS, it was really Al Qaeda, or the "Deep State". But then they fucked up, they allowed video of the attack to get on FOX NEWS and forgot who one of their biggest and more impressionable fans were. Little Donnie sees the images from the attack from Syria and responds.

Now, why did he respond, it's not like the strikes will change anything. Russia is helping Assad and Tillerson said on Monday the the USA has no interest is removing Assad, remember this from last Thursday?

In Ankara on Thursday, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Assad's longer-term status "will be decided by the Syrian people."

And yet one week later

Tillerson on Assad: "Clearly with the acts that he has taken it would seem there would be no role for him to govern the Syrian people."

This is world leadership?

But then we get some more fun, seems the whole thing was staged, well the USA wasted millions on cruse missiles. Seems the Trump admin called Russia BEFORE THE strike, so Russia and Syria could make sure nothing get hit and get out early.

The US warned the Russians ahead of Syria missile strikes

So the whole thing was a play fight right? No harm no foul?

Wrong, seems the Trumpers bought fully into the GOP position that any attempts at "regime change" were wrong. Just seems like always they never bothered to learn that the GOP has the longest history of invading other countries. I mean if we don't, why pump billions more into the military if you are not going to use it? But with this action last night, Trump showing the real GOP hand, his Trumpers are not making the same turn.

‘I’m officially off the Drumpf Train’: Drumpf’s online base is furious about the Syria strikes

Seems they really don't want the USA in more wars, which I think is great, but they forgot who they voted in. This is only the first time Trump has responded, we got almost 4 more years of this shit, if you think this is it, you have not been paying attention.


More information - ABC Breaks Syria Exclusive – Assad Knew Of Attack – Bombs Were For Show

A fun bit of information

The story of how they found a insect they thought dead on a Bond villain base.
